Professional Fees

We aim to provide our best level of care for all our clients. VisionCare+ is our monthly payment plan and costs start from just £8.50 per month. It is the preferred method of accessing all our eyecare services. All Advanced Optometry eye examination procedures are included on VisionCare+, as are all emergency appointments. There is no limit on how many times you attend.

Eye Examinations

Price VisionCare+

Advanced Optometry Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 40 minutes including OCT/Optomap scans, threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate

£99.00 Included

Extended NHS Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 40 minutes including OCT or Optomap scans (as required), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate


Under 25 Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 30 minutes including OCT or Optomap scans (as required), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate


Contact Lenses

Contact lens fitting, aftercare and eye examination fees are covered by VisionCare+ For Lenses; starting at just £12.50 per month

Price VisionCare+
Comprehensive eye examination and contact lens aftercare £135.00 Included
Under 25 eye examination and contact lens aftercare £65.00 Included
Extended NHS eye examination and contact lens aftercare £75.00 Included
The above 3 options include an Advanced Optometry examination, contact lens aftercare including Optomap and/or OCT scans and anterior eye examination and imaging

Contact lens fitting consultation

Inclusive of trial lenses, teaching session and follow-up appointment (60 minutes)

£75.00 Included
Contact lens re-fit for experienced lens wearer £50.00 Included
Complex contact lens fitting (Toric/Multifocal/RGP) £95.00 Included
Contact lens aftercare and issue of contact lens specifications £50.00 Included
Ortho-K lens fitting• £250.00 £150.00

An Ortho-K lens fitting involves 4-6 appointments, dependent on how the lenses fit and the time taken for the therapy to work. Every fitting is different; the fixed fee is inclusive of initial made to order lenses, any modifications required and follow-up appointments for this fantastic vision therapy.

*Patients need to have had an eye examination within the last 6 months in order to be considered for Ortho-K

The Eye Clinic

Price VisionCare+
Most eyecare procedures are provided through VisionCare+, which at £10.50 per month allows priority clinical access and gives emergency cover if needed
Full Dry Eye Assessment (45 minutes) £85.00 £45.00
Includes systematic assessment of the anterior eye surface and analysis of the tear film; use of diagnostic stains, lid eversion, meibography, explanation of types of dry eye and treatment plan
Dry Eye Follow-up (20 minutes) £30.00 Included
Bleph-ex treatment £60.00 £30.00

Supplementary Procedures

Price VisionCare+
Carried out as a separate appointment
Visual field assessment £35.00 Included
I-Care tonometry £25.00
OCT Retinal scans £45.00
Optomap scans £49.00
Emergency appointment £49.00
Refitting, adjustment etc to spectacles bought elsewhere £25.00 £25.00
Refitting, adjustment etc to spectacles bought from Nu-Sight Free for the lifetime of spectacles
Simple medical form (signature only) £25.00
Medical form with additional tests required* £35.00
*plus eye examination fee if required

NHS Eligibility

At Nu-Sight Opticians we believe that whatever your eligibility, you should have the most comprehensive examination available. We recommend the advanced optometry examination for all so we can provide you with the most appropriate care and recommendations by spending extended time with you. The NHS may not cover the cost of some procedures